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Pokerstars Offers a New Poker Experience

pokerstarsOnline poker has been a major source of entertainment for citizens around the world. Those who play are able to learn eh rules of the game and compete with others around the world from the comfort and convenience of their own home. The best aspect of the online poker dynamic is the option of playing with real money or in fact simply playing for the sake of playing. This system of games has usually been dominated by one company or another in various states and countries. In Canada, the number one gaming platform is PokerStars. This platform is capable of allowing players around the world the luxury of enjoying the full poker experience from the comfort of their own homes. The competition is a platform called FullTilt, a minor competitor at best that is not capable of matching the full experience of the PokerStars platform. While it is still an excellent place to play poker online and does have a fair number of subscribers and players, the service is quickly losing out to PokerStars and is in danger of going out of business.

This is the reason for the merger between the two companies. Both are owned by a company named Amaya Gaming, an online games business based in Canada. The business has grown quite large through its successful online poker campaigns and has since come to take over the online poker market in Canada. Originally just PokerStars, the company was able to acquire FullTilt in a shocking billion-dollar merger to allow gamers the separate experience and add a little variety to the world of online poker. While this worked for a time, the hassle of having to constantly update both platforms and allow them to be fully enjoyed led to a merger.

The merger will allow the parent company, Amaya, to update and upgrade both platforms with far greater ease. This is an excellent decision because it allows the company to keep adding new and exciting features to the online poker experience while simultaneously assuring that no one platform outshines the other. In addition to this, the company is also allowing online gamers to choose what they do and do not want when it comes to the full online gaming experience. This variety ensures consumer loyalty to the Amaya company, and will assuredly reverse the negative reviews and profits that have led to the downfall of the FullTilt service. Pokerstars really only stand to benefit as far as quicker updates and possibly more members. While this is not huge, the merger is very clearly a business decision that looks at the big picture and incorporates all of the details to ensure that the company makes the profits. No matter which platform online poker players use, Amaya makes a profit and, therefore, continues to dominate and incredibly lucrative online industry. This merger benefits both platforms but will negatively affect the employees of FullTilt, as there will be no need for them with the new merger cutting down the workload.